In 1 week 1400+ pounds of food ….

This past week was an exciting one for the rCr organization!
Read on….

Monday Evening 10.01.07 –
Long Island Press’s tribute to the Fortune 52 at Oragin!
95 lbs of non-perishable food and paper goods was collected at this event. The recipient agency was Sister Aimee and Bethany House.
I am continually in awe of the women I am called to stand with at these events! They are amazing. It is always wonderful to see the response when Beverly puts the call out, that her events are rock CAN roll events! Beverly…you and the LI Press, rock!

Last Monday and Tuesday October 2 and 3 –
Temple Beth Torah, Jericho, NY

Students at the religious school learned about the holiday of Sukkot. This is a harvest holiday, and an important part of the holiday is the concept of ‘gleaning’.
Ideally, it would be great to take the students into a field and let them actually ‘glean’ food for the poor. Unfortunately, this was not possible.
The next best thing was to bring the farm to them!
That is exactly what rCr did!
We had fruits and vegetables, donated from Dom Doria and Sons, delivered to the Temple.
The children made cards and decorated bags in the holiday theme.
Then they went in to the ‘field’ set up in the social hall and filled their bags for those who live with hunger and in poverty.
The kids were rockin’ and then they enjoyed time in the Sukkah.
When it was all said and done, 920 pounds of food was donated.
The rock CAN roll organization’s volunteers from the AHRC picked up the food and delivered in on Tuesday and Wednesday to a local food pantry.

Wednesday – 10.03.07 –
Syosset High School, Syosset NY

Syosset High School’s Interact Club’s Pot Luck Dinner
Many thanks and congrats to the InterAct club – they collected 150 non-perishable food items at their kick off dinner! Again, the amazing folks at the AHRC volunteered their time and transported the food to a local food pantry!

Thursday – 10.04.07
Long Island Volunteer Fair – SUNY Farmingdale, NY

230 lbs of food was collected at this event!
It was an exciting day! Many thanks to Erin, one of our superstar volunteers!
TV 55 came out to interview rock CAN roll! Maybe you caught the segment on Thursday night!

Saturday 10.06.07
Pat Cooper – Can rock CAN roll! at the Patchogue Theatre
A few weeks ago we received an email from Victor, who is a brother in the Pi Delta Psi Fraternity, Delta Chapter at Stony Brook University. He and his brothers wanted to volunteer with rock CAN roll. They came out to the Patchogue Theatre on Saturday night and helped to collect 95 lbs of food! Many thanks to BBStar Productions for including us on their posters and mailers, and for just ‘getting it’! They understand the concept and want to do their part to give back to society. Many thanks to Tommy B. and Phillip at Uncle Giuseppe’s. They donated 30 lbs of perishable food from the event.
The food went to a local soup kitchen 1 block away from the venue!

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